Procrastination: Seven Tips
- Eat the frog
Do the task most difficult to stomach first thing in the day.
- 3-2-1 rule
Say aloud the task you want to complete, then say "3, 2, 1" and get up to go.
- Do Something principle
Do anything that engages your focus. It will snowball.
- Purge your physical surroundings
Create a space conducive to productivity, beware of spaces that brew procrastination.
- Purge your digital surroundings
Set blockers and other things to keep you off anything distracting online.
- Stare at 1 thing for 60 seconds
Stare at anything from the distance you would be sat to work on it, e.g. one letter in a report.
- Confront your distractions
Set a timer for indulging in your distractions before going back to work.