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Procrastination: Seven Tips

  1. Eat the frog

Do the task most difficult to stomach first thing in the day.

  1. 3-2-1 rule

Say aloud the task you want to complete, then say "3, 2, 1" and get up to go.

  1. Do Something principle

Do anything that engages your focus. It will snowball.

  1. Purge your physical surroundings

Create a space conducive to productivity, beware of spaces that brew procrastination.

  1. Purge your digital surroundings

Set blockers and other things to keep you off anything distracting online.

  1. Stare at 1 thing for 60 seconds

Stare at anything from the distance you would be sat to work on it, e.g. one letter in a report.

  1. Confront your distractions

Set a timer for indulging in your distractions before going back to work.